Worksheets & Activities for High School Social Emotional Learning

Discover worksheets and activities that help teens truly process key social emotional learning concepts and develop key life skills. Great for high school health and wellness classes, these SEL activities use our Truth Be Told quotes along with a variety of learning strategies to help teens understand social emotional learning topics including healthy decision making, reducing risk, communication skills, positive interpersonal relationships, self awareness, acceptance and inclusion, responsibility and more. Find worksheets with full teaching notes and lesson ideas in the link to each high school social emotional learning activity.

Now for Online Learning:

Download free worksheet PDFs that can be filled out online or printed. Great for Google Classroom or other LMS systems.
Truth Be Told Quote Activities are free to print and share for non-commercial use.

High school social emotional learning worksheet-based activity:  connecting healthy choices and consequences

Choices and Consequences Worksheet

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Healthy Choices, Reducing Risk, Emotions


This worksheet-based activity helps teens develop the life skill of seeing how their choices create consequences. Scenarios help students think through the near-term and long-term emotional impact of their choices.

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High school social emotional learning activity- Empowered Choices Worksheet

Empowered Choices Activity

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Making Healthy Choices / Reducing Risk, Goal Setting, Empowerment, Self-Awareness, Responsibility


This teen social emotional learning activity helps students link goal setting with choices and consequences. The worksheet helps students see that sometimes the tasks we have to do in order to reach our goals aren't fun, but it's a little easier when we focus on the positive outcome / consequences of persevering.

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High school social emotional learning activity- Choices and Consequences Movie Scene

Choices & Consequences- Movie Scene Activity

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Making Healthy Choices / Reducing Risk, Acting Responsibly, Managing Influences


This high school social emotional learning activity connects choices with consequences—an essential life skill. Teens create a movie scene that shows what happens when someone makes all good choices or all bad choices. A worksheet guides students to have story characters follow a path of bad judgement and see how it turns out, or follow a path of good choices that results in positive consequences.

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Also from this author:

Talking with Trees Social Emotional Learning for Elementary school-aged Children
Rooted in Decency Book- Rebuilding common decency and values.
High school social emotional learning worksheet based activity- Goal Setting and Career Planning

Goal Setting and Career Planning Worksheet

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Goal Setting, Health Decision Making, Self Awareness, Growth Mindset


In this activity, teens identify career paths by analyzing their own interests, abilities, and work ethic. In Step 2, students use a worksheet to set goals and list steps they can take now to help them on their desired path.

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High school social emotional learning worksheet-based activity- Healthy Communication Skills

Healthy Communication Skills Online Activity

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Communication Skills, Setting Boundaries, Positive Interpersonal Relationships, Conflict Resolution


This activity presents teens with scenarios that will help them define healthy ways of communicating during a conflict. The worksheet guides high school students in how to pause and gather more information and to think before posting online.

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High school social emotional learning- Conflict Resolution Worksheet

Conflict Resolution Techniques

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Conflict Resolution, Communication skills


Using this social emotional learning worksheet, teens learn life skills for conflict resolution, including goal setting and how to apply health communication skills to resolve conflict.

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High school social emotional learning- Conflict Resolution in History Activity

Conflict Resolution- Protests in History

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

History and Social Change, Conflict Resolution, Communication Skills, Setting Boundaries


This activity helps students define healthy ways to communicate and resolve conflict between groups with different opinions. The lesson plan suggests various social movements and moments in history as a backdrop to discuss healthy ways to communicate, protest, and encourage social change.

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High school social emotional learning activity- Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude Journaling Activity

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Self-awareness, Strategies for managing emotions


This week-long social emotional learning activity helps teens to evaluate their emotions and to develop strategies for increasing positive attitudes. A printable worksheet makes it easy to practice gratitude journaling.

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High school social emotional learning- Creating Lasting Happiness Activity

Creating Lasting Happiness Activity

SEL Topics , Life Skills:

Managing Emotions, Self Awareness, Making Healthy Choices


With this video and worksheet, high school students learn about why some activities help create longer lasting happiness and how to choose activities that increase emotional well being.

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